Bruce Miller Podcast
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Ep31: Bruce Miller on Retirement – Part II

Bruce Miller on Retirement: In my last interview with BruceBruce Miller, we discussed the possibilities of structuring your securities portfolio for income only. High dividend yields, or high-interest income from corporate or sovereign bonds – rather than searching for or speculating on capital gains.

The good news is, it’s possible to do it on your own if you are willing to study the subject, and spend time on searching for these high yielding securities.

Alternatively, you could also ask a professional investment manager or advisor to do it for you.
The downside is, of course, lower yields due to fees paid for advisory services.

In this episode, I talk with Bruce about retirement in the US and how we could encourage younger generations to start saving early.  A topic very dear to me and discussed exclusively in my last book ‘The Death of Retirement’ – Enjoy!

Best Quotes:

Bruce Miller on RetirementMiller, Bruce. Retirement Investing for Income ONLY: How to Invest for Reliable Income in Retirement ONLY from Dividends

“The paradigm of capital appreciation is deeply rooted, and many retirees, despite their thirst for long term reliable income, will not be willing to let it go.”

“When we were young, most likely in our late 20’s or early 30’s, we learned from those around us or through the media, that investing is all about buying something for a given price and selling it at a later date for more than we paid for it.  Pretty simple concept.  Of course, figuring out what is a ‘good investment’ that will fulfill this ultra-simple paradigm, is quite another story.”

“In my travels, what I have found almost universal in this cascade of words is the focus on a process: buy this or sell that, hold this or add that, ‘harvest’ this or ‘double-up’ on that.  What I find almost absent from these words is the true investment objective of those heading into retirement…..the outcome of reliable income.”

Bruce Miller on Retirement: Links

Retirement Investing for Income ONLY: How to Invest for Reliable Income in Retirement ONLY from Dividends

E-mail: IncomeOnly(at)

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