
Ep22: Taylor Pearson – Exploring systems and helping others understand change

We are proud to present our next guest – Taylor Pearson. A former Brazilian Super Bowl champion, Taylor has lived in Tennessee, Alabama, Argentina, Brazil, Vietnam, Thailand, San Diego, Texas, and, currently, New York where is currently based. He is the bestselling author of End of Jobs: Money, Meaning and Freedom Without the 9-to-5. Inc Magazine rated it one of the Top Three ‘Start Your Own Business’ Books of 2015 and a Top 25 Business Book of 2015. He is a TED speaker and Productivity Guru. He made such bold statements as “the middle class is dead” and together with James Altucher who featured Taylor’s book on his show, agree very few are prepared for the changing that will unfold in coming years.

Taylor is a TED speaker and Productivity Guru. He is widely known in the digital entrepreneur and digital nomad community as productivity guru and proponent of modern apprenticeships.

But it’s not only his contributions to the business world but what he can add to intelligent investing for individuals that make him a fascinating person to follow.

In this episode, we discuss the trends that will have an impact on how we need to invest for the future and how he himself structures his portfolio according to a customized investment strategy.


Podcast Blog Links:


Amazon Link to End of Jobs


Also mentioned:

Nassim Taleb – Antifragile: Things That Gain from Disorder
The Big Short by Michael Lewis

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