Gambling Dice

Ep3: Is investing gambling?

In this episode, Angela and David qualify what is investing vs. gambling vs. speculation. As more and more retail investor enter the market it’s important to differentiate your approach from that of a gambler.

  • Is it reasonable to expect a return on your investments
  • How to mitigate the risk of investing aligning with gambling with education and experience
  • How to avoid speculation when making investment decisions
  • You want to make sure that the probability of your decision to invest is high as possible
  • Getting a 50% discount from the peak of an index fund. How to find “discounts” in the stock market

“All things where we put our money in an uncertain future has elements of gambling”

“Even poker and blackjack professionals have a ‘system’ they aren’t even real gamblers, but they still aren’t investors”

“With investing you have more options to diversify”

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