Ep20: Michael Michelini – An 80/20 Investor in China
Today, we interview Michael Michelini, a blogger, author and entrepreneur. But most important, among his clients and within his community, he is known as the China Expert as the host of the Global From Asia podcast and founder of a consultancy company. He is based in China since the end of 2007.
Like me he learned his first robes at an investment bank, working on the New York trading floor for Deutsche Bank. Even though he despised the cut-throat culture at times, he learned some valuable lessons, and it allowed him to save and invest in his own business platform while still working in his demanding day-job.
From this interview we can take some valuable lessons:
I consider him a fellow 80/20 Investors, as he focuses on his strength and passions first before he considers financial markets. And this is even though, or due to the fact that he knows the BS, fads, and scams played there. He focuses on the things that count, creates value for him the most including spending quality time with his family.
Doing business in China or with Chinese is far from easy. In this episode, Micheal recommends a more conservative strategy for those considering doing business in China. He also notes that the barriers to entry are much higher today and that more elaborate due diligence is vital for anyone to succeeds. Finally, we talk a bit about raising children in China.
KEY POSITION: Host of Global From Asia,
He organizes the annual conference Cross Border Summit and a new Marketplace for business in Asia.
PodCast: globalfromasia.com/about = Global From Asia
YouTube Channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/michaelmichelini/videos
Private Blog: https://mikesblog.com/about